Have you ever felt paralysed, unable to show up, like someone else is in the driving seat of your life?
That no matter how much effort you put into nurturing family, friends, and careers, everything falls apart in the end?
Do you have fears or phobias with no obvious origins? An addiction to porn you just can’t shake?
These are all emanations from the deep unconscious.
The unconscious
The unconscious is the home of all our fears, phobias, traumas and addictions; of all that we’re ashamed of about ourselves.
Much of this has been passed down as inherited trauma we’re not even aware of.
If you’re looking for root cause resolution of deep issues, the unconscious is the one and only place to go.
Every unconscious issue has the following attributes
· We’re afraid of it
· We’re ashamed of it
· We’re unwilling or unable to take responsibility for it
Benefits of clearing unconscious issues
· Get in the driving seat of your own life
· Become the ‘adult in the room’
· Maintain healthy boundaries
· Be the one who says, “This stops with me”
· Difficult people either ‘shape up or ship out’
If you’re ready to take a deep dive into your life, contact me for a free 15-minute 1-2-1 zoom session.
Otherwise click on the tiles below for specific areas of interest.
“Michael illuminates the entire situation in ways that are understandable and actionable. He has jet-fuelled my healing.”
— GM, Georgia, United States
“I am taking some of the lessons in the Mother Wound course that you created, and… it’s so beautiful. You had me crying, you had me laughing… thank you so much for creating this, seriously… I needed this today.”
— BB, United States
“What a brilliant talk you gave us yesterday evening… Family history is so much more than the events – it’s also the feelings.”
— Lesley Plant, Chair, Midland Ancestors Kenilworth Group
“Wow, what a clear explanation of my addiction to run away from my shame.”
— user comment on What is unconscious shame?
“THANK YOU for shining a light on this problem. More need to understand the reality of porn and sex addiction and the invitation to identify the deep human woundedness that drives people to these behaviors.”
— Lauri Ann Lumby, OM, OPM, MATS